














ICME-15 Scientific Program: taking on the big issues

 The IPC are designing the ICME-15 program to create an innovative congress that builds on the ‘traditional’ program, headlined by a blend of established and emerging thought leaders from around the world.

 Two components of the Scientific Program – the Plenary Panels and ICME-15 Survey Team Reports – provide examples of the Congress tackling major issues in Mathematics Education.

 Plenary Panels are designed to

 “Promote development of understanding between different communities by opening up debate in a contested area of work in the field of Mathematics Education. Panelists present and discuss different perspectives on an issue(s)"

 At ICME-15 there will be two Plenary Panels – the first a debate on the topic “Mathematics Education effectively responds to humanity's problems” that will consider the interactions between mathematics and issues such as global warming, poverty, pandemics etc.; the other will consider and discuss different perspectives on “What counts as evidence in Mathematics Education?”

 ICME-15 Survey Team Reports are designed to:

 “Emphasise new developments and progress on key themes or issues that have been emerging in the last three or four ICMEs by surveying the state-of-the-art in relation to the theme or issue. Particular emphasis should be on identifying and characterising important new knowledge, recent developments, new perspectives, and emergent issues. Themes or issues will be characterised by longevity and geographic spread of work and be of current wide interest.”

The topics for the five Survey Reports at ICME-15 will address some other major issues 

Challenges and perspectives of mathematics assessment

Mathematics Education and Indigenous perspectives

Statistics and data science education as a vehicle for empowering citizens

Interdisciplinary exchange among Mathematics Education, Psychology, and Neuroscience

Design-based research and its role in Mathematics Education research and practice

 The Panelists and Survey Team members will be scholars with experience and expertise in the topic. Invitations are being sent and the panels and teams will be established and begin work over the coming months. Attending ICME-15 you will have the chance to learn about and consider the latest thinking on these challenging topics.

 Later editions of these e-zines will provide information about speakers and other components of the Scientific Program as these are confirmed.




An Invitation to Australia from ICME-15 Convenor

ICME-15 Scientific Program: taking on the big issues

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