


国际程序委员会 (IPC)的成员们一直为团队的组织提供了大力帮助,我要感谢他们的工作。20232月将在悉尼举办IPC第二次会议,我们期待大家能够线下见面。






Kim BeswickICME-15召集人,IPC主席




ICME-15 Progress update

We’ve been working hard since June sending out invitations for Plenary Panels, Plenary and Invited Lectures, and Topic Study Groups (TSGs) for ICME-15, and there’s more yet to come! I would like to thank all those who have responded promptly to invitations.

The members of the IPC have been providing great support to the organising team and I thank them for their work. We’re looking forward to catching up in person at the second IPC meeting, which will be held in Sydney in February 2023.

We’ve also been working on raising awareness of ICME-15 across the globe and sharing all the benefits of participating in ICME-15. In June we held the Indonesia Information Session via Zoom meeting with nearly 100 colleagues from all over of Indonesia — their interest and enthusiasm was most encouraging.

We also recently released our first electronic newsletter, which is also available on the ICME-15 website in case you missed it. Have a read and share it with your colleagues.

The First Announcement for ICME-15 will be released in early October and will include the details of our Plenary and Lecture speakers, TSGs, information about how you can contribute to TSGs, and how to submit a proposal for a Workshop or Discussion Group. We’ll also announce tentative registration fees.

ICME-15 will be the first time in eight years that the international community of mathematics educators has been able to get together in person, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all.

Make sure you complete the Expression of Interest form on the ICME-15 website to stay up to date with the latest news on the Congress.

Kim Beswick, Convenor ICME-15, Chair IPC,
15th International Congress on Mathematical Education
7-15 July 2024, ICC Sydney Australia

信息来源:ICMI官网,ICMI 20229月通讯(https://www.mathunion.org/icmi/icmi-newsletter-september-2022