

202275日,国际数学联盟五大奖项颁奖典礼在芬兰赫尔辛基阿尔托大学(Aalto University)举行。菲尔兹奖(Fields Medal)、国际数学联盟算盘奖(IMU Abacus Medal)、陈省身奖(Chern Medal Award)、高斯奖(Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize)、利拉瓦蒂奖(Leelavati Prize)分别揭晓。



颁奖现场,左起:M. Viazovska, J. Maynard, J. Huh, H. Duminil-Copin


法国高等科学研究院法国数学家 Hugo Duminil-Copin,概率论。表彰他解决了,尤其是3维和4维,统计物理学中相变的概率论领域中长期存在的问题。

For solving longstanding problems in the probabilistic theory of phase transitions in statistical physics, especially in dimensions three and four.

Hugo Duminil-Copin (图片来自IMU官网)

普林斯顿大学韩国裔美国数学家 June Huh,代数几何与组合学。表彰他将霍奇理论引入组合学,证明了Dowling-Wilson关于几何格的猜想,证明了Heron-Rota-Welsh关于拟阵(matroid)的猜想,发展了洛伦兹(Lorentizian)多项式理论,以及证明了强Mason猜想。

For bringing the ideas of Hodge theory to combinatorics, the proof of the Dowling–Wilson conjecture for geometric lattices, the proof of the Heron–Rota–Welsh conjecture for matroids, the development of the theory of Lorentzian polynomials, and the proof of the strong Mason conjecture. 

June Huh (图片来自IMU官网)

牛津大学英国数学家 James Maynard,解析数论。表彰他对解析数论的贡献,其导致在理解素数结构和丢番图逼近方面取得了重大进展。

For contributions to analytic number theory, which have led to major advances in the understanding of the structure of prime numbers and in Diophantine approximation.

James Maynard (图片来自IMU官网)


洛桑联邦理工大学乌克兰女数学家 Maryna Viazovska,组合学。表彰她证明了E8格提供8维空间中等球最稠密堆积,以及对相关极值问题和傅里叶插值问题的进一步贡献。

For the proof that the E8 lattice provides the densest packing of identical spheres in 8 dimensions, and further contributions to related extremal problems and interpolation problems in Fourier analysis.

Maryna Viazovska(图片来自IMU官网)

菲尔兹奖(Fields Medal)奖牌(图片来自IMU官网)

2022国际数学联盟算盘奖(IMU Abacus Medal)授予普林斯顿大学以色列数学家 Mark Braverman,表彰他开创性的研究发展了信息复杂性理论,为利用信息理论推理通信协议搭建框架。他的工作使得直和定理(direct-sum theorems)为摊销通信、巧妙的协议压缩方法和新的抗噪声交互式通信协议提供了下界。

For his path-breaking research developing the theory of information complexity, a framework for using information theory to reason about communication protocols. His work has led to direct-sum theorems giving lower bounds on amortized communication, ingenious protocol compression methods, and new interactive communication protocols resilient to noise.

Mark Braverman (图片来自IMU官网) 

算盘奖(IMU Abacus Medal)奖牌(图片来自IMU官网)

2022国际数学联盟陈省身(Chern Medal Award)奖授予哈佛大学美国数学家 Barry Mazur表彰他在拓扑、算术几何和数论领域的深刻发现,以及他在培养新一代数学家的指导和无私奉献。

For his profound discoveries in topology, arithmetic geometry and number theory, and his leadership and generosity in forming the next generation of Mathematicians.

Barry Mazur (图片来自IMU官网)

陈省身奖(Chern Medal Award)奖牌(图片来自IMU官网)

2022国际数学联盟高斯奖授予普林斯顿大学美国数学家 Elliott H. Lieb,表彰他对量子力学、统计力学、计算化学和量子信息论领域的非凡广度及深度的数学贡献。

For deep mathematical contributions of exceptional breadth which have shaped the fields of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, computational chemistry, and quantum information theory.

Elliott H. Lieb (图片来自IMU官网)

高斯奖(Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize)奖牌(图片来自IMU官网)

2022年国际数学联盟利拉瓦蒂奖(Leelavati Prize)授予俄罗斯科学院Steklov 数学研究所俄国数学家 Nikolai Andreev,表彰他对数学动画和数学模型构建艺术的贡献,其风格既能激发年轻人的灵感,也能激发老年人和世界各地的数学家以适应他们的各种用途——以及他为普及而不懈努力 通过视频、讲座和获奖书籍向公众宣传真正的数学。

For his contribution to the art of mathematical animation and of mathematical model-building, in a style which inspires the young and the old alike, and which mathematicians around the world can adapt to their varied uses-as well as for his indefatigable efforts to popularize genuine mathematics among the public via videos, lectures, and a prize-winning book.

Nikolai Andreev (图片来自IMU官网)

颁奖典礼由国际数学联盟主席 Carlos E. Kenig主持。

Carlos E. Kenig (图片来自IMU官网)


原文来源:IMU网站 (https://www.mathunion.org/)