第十五届国际数学教育大会(ICME-15)国际程序委员会 (IPC) 第一次会议于2022年5月2日至6日在澳大利亚悉尼举行。21名IPC委员中有17名委员线下出席了会议。
本次会议同意 ICME-15将线下举办。
Report of ICME-15
Kim Beswick (Convenor of ICME-15) and Will Morony (Chair of the Local Organizing Committee)
The first meeting of the International Program Committee (IPC) for ICME-15 was held in Sydney from the 2nd to the 6th of May 2022. Seventeen of the 21 IPC members were able to attend the in-person meeting.
The IPC is responsible for the scientific program of an ICME. For ICME-15, the aspirations for the congress developed by the local organisers were adopted by the IPC and used to frame the purposes and content of the various program elements that were considered. The committee agreed to maintain the general program structure, comprising approximately 12 elements, established by recent ICMEs. Decisions or major progress in relation to the following elements was made:
Topics and personnel for two Plenary Panels and five Surveys of current research
Names of scholars to be invited to give one of more than 60 Invited Lectures
Identification of Topic Study Groups and people to be invited to be Co-Chairs and members of the teams to organise these. Geographic and gender balance were considered in all considerations of who to invite.
A number of initiatives were agreed upon to strengthen the program. These included:
A commitment to providing greater clarity in relation to what is expected of those involved in the different program elements by providing guidelines and templates
A more active role for IPC members who will take on liaison roles to support contributors to program elements beyond the TSGs
Realignment of some of the TSGs to reduce their number and overlap
Agreement that initial contributions to TSGs can take the form of a paper or a poster. This is intended to broaden options for TSG participation and to raise the status of posters in the program.
Clarification of the difference between Workshops and Discussion Groups by orienting workshops towards practical hand-on activities
Bringing forward calls for proposals for Workshops and Discussion Groups
Inviting all IPC members to become ICME-15 Ambassadors who will assist with promoting ICME-15 among colleagues and at events in their own country and region.
The IPC confirmed that the focus of the Early Career Researcher Day be primarily on professional development for the participants as well as networking.
It was agreed that ICME-15 would be an in-person event.
The second meeting of the ICME-15 IPC will be from the 6th to the 8th of February 2023, in Sydney.